Kathleen Gould Lundy is currently Coordinator of
Destination Arts, York University, a joint venture of the Faculty of
and the Faculty of Fine Arts, which undertakes to foster partnerships
among artists, educators, and the community. She has been an arts and
literacy teacher, consultant, and coordinator for over 30 years and is a
popular motivational speaker at conferences in Canada and the United
States. Kathleen's
work with teachers has always focused on helping them understand and
advocate for the crucial role that the arts and the imagination play in
every student's education. Her interest lies in teaching those students
who, for a variety of reasons, find themselves on the periphery of the
She suggests a number of ways not only to welcome these students back into the classroom but also provide them with curricular experiences that are relevant, open-ended, and inclusive. Kathleen is the author of professional development books for teachers, as well as books and graphic novels for struggling readers |
Joan Green is a distinguished educator, senior policy adviser, and influential leader in the public sector. She was the first female Director of Education
of the Board of Education for the City of Toronto and, prior to that, served as
a teacher, principal, and superintendent. Joan is the founding CEO of the
Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) and is a co-author
and senior member of the editorial board of several award-winning language and
literacy series. Currently, Joan advises governments and school boards on
quality assurance, governance and curriculum.